Monday, October 22, 2007

Thanks... Melissa for thinking of me!

I've been tagged... so who's next?

while I tell you some very "un"interesting facts about myself I hope I can at least make you smile through it all. So thank you Miss Melissa Phillips for tagging me & making me get "back out" in the blogging world.

Here are the rules for the 7 others that I'm tagging--please don't hate me:

I'm tagging:

Mom (Diane Kelly)

Melanie Cantrell

Kara Ward

Dana DeCarlo

Christina Graham

Sheila Rumney

Susanne Bergman


1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.

2. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself (on your blog, we all want to know them).

3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.

4. Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

7. Many of you may not know, that I'm 98% sure that I am moving back to Kansas City at the beginning of the year!

6. I have 3 brothers which I love... use to fight with like cats & dogs but completely amazed at the men they have become. Even though I've never told them that!

5. I don't like storms... rain... thunder... lightning OH MY!

4. I secretly wished that I was younger & skinny so I could be a "motorcycle stunter" yep those crazy people who stand up on the motorcycle going about 100mph.

3. I LOVE motorcycles (any kind) but scared to death of them at the same time.

2. I don't really like sweets, but some days would kill for a cheesecake!

1. That my parents got a divorce 2 years ago, after being married almost 30 years. I was devastated but now realized that I learned more from them the past couple of years than I had in my entire life! They are better friends now... then I can ever remember them being & I know that God can take the worst parts of life & bless those who love Him.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


This is the front page of the album - the paper pieced Santa page.... I hope to have the rest done by next week!

Christmas Album Class in KANSAS CITY

When: December 1, 2007
Time: 10 - 9 (Class starts promptly at 10am)
Where: Nashua Fire Station corner of 111th & N.Oak (North of the River)
Cost: Class w/out Album $65.00
Class with Album $65.00 plus $18.00 for 12x12 Album
DEPOSIT Due by Saturday, Nov. 3rd
Checks can be mailed to: Jessica Kelly 505 NE 103rd St Apt 9C, Kansas City, Mo 64155

Okay so here's the details ladies...

The Album Class is made up with the K and Co. Brenda Walton's Peppermint Twist paper line & embellishments. I am attaching a picture of the first page of the album and some of the product that we will be using. The RETAIL price for the product is approximately $40.00.

It includes the following:

This is all approximate because I am still working on the album yet. So bear with me. :)

15 pieces of Pattern Paper
28 pieces of Cardstock
5 yards of various ribbon, rick rack & fibers
1 Mat Pad
1 Glitter Alphabets
1 Rub On Magic Rubons
1 Package of Chipboard Tags
1 Goodie bag of rhinestones, buttons, clips, brads, eyelets, bells & etc...

We will be completing a whole album 18 to 20 pages. I am so excited about this... this is my first 12 x 12 album that I will have done for just CHRISTMAS. There will be some paper piecing (not a lot & not complicated) but there will also be some quick & easy pages also. The goal of this class is to be a FUN, LOW STRESS, ENJOYABLE & FULL OF BLESSINGS. I hope that you all will come & join in!

PLEASE NOTE: I am asking that a deposit be paid because I am "financing" this myself & because I don't have a full time job. :) The "deposit" will be $25.00 per kit and an extra $10 for each album that you would like. IF you plan on geting this as a "KIT ONLY" I am going to raise the price to $75.00 per kit due to color copies & direction sheets. :( Sorry. If you would like to see the album you can go to and look at her "Peppermint Twist" line to check out the product!

CKC - Kansas City

I came in town for CKC. It was so fun seeing some old friends & getting familiar with all the new stuff once again. (Remember I live almost TWO HOURS from the nearest Hobby Lobby.... THREE HOURS to the nearest LSS)
I love the header.... there's that "Star Layout" with Jill's little girl on it! :)
The booth was constantly packed... I hurried and took a couple of pictures when some people had just left.... I was AMAZED
My sweet nephew Stephen... I love that picture of him. :)
I should be kissing them.... :)
I just loved the way things were all set up and the cute displays... I'm still lovin' the ribbon on spoon idea! Its all about cute packaging isn't it? :)
One of the owners "sisters" from the scrapbook store in Kansas called 2 Scrappy Sisters & then there is Susanne & Ali (I use to teach at the same stores that they did when I lived in KC)
This picture was a little dark, my friend Ali took it of my very talented friend Kara Ward teaching a K&Co class at CKC. I was just hanging out with them... they are wonderful girls to know & I feel blessed to call them friends.