Thursday, November 29, 2007

Christmas Album made with Brenda Walton's Peppermint Twist!

These are the pages of the Album.... I actually have a couple of these that I've added ribbons, buttons & ect to after I had the photo's scanned. I hope that you get an idea of the pages and see the detail if you click on the pages.

Contact me for permission to print images please.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

This is him.....

This is my future husband.... Clint Swan. I would love to spend sometime talking about him but I've got much to do. Mom told me to post a picture on my blog so here is a couple. Hope you guys will email me or comment or email me "words of wisdom" I want to start a scrapbook of "Our lives together" so.... I know a lot of people aren't going to be able to come to my wedding but I hope you all know that ANYONE is welcomed & invited!! December 15, 2007 in Broken Bow, Oklahoma.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Thanks... Melissa for thinking of me!

I've been tagged... so who's next?

while I tell you some very "un"interesting facts about myself I hope I can at least make you smile through it all. So thank you Miss Melissa Phillips for tagging me & making me get "back out" in the blogging world.

Here are the rules for the 7 others that I'm tagging--please don't hate me:

I'm tagging:

Mom (Diane Kelly)

Melanie Cantrell

Kara Ward

Dana DeCarlo

Christina Graham

Sheila Rumney

Susanne Bergman


1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.

2. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself (on your blog, we all want to know them).

3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.

4. Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

7. Many of you may not know, that I'm 98% sure that I am moving back to Kansas City at the beginning of the year!

6. I have 3 brothers which I love... use to fight with like cats & dogs but completely amazed at the men they have become. Even though I've never told them that!

5. I don't like storms... rain... thunder... lightning OH MY!

4. I secretly wished that I was younger & skinny so I could be a "motorcycle stunter" yep those crazy people who stand up on the motorcycle going about 100mph.

3. I LOVE motorcycles (any kind) but scared to death of them at the same time.

2. I don't really like sweets, but some days would kill for a cheesecake!

1. That my parents got a divorce 2 years ago, after being married almost 30 years. I was devastated but now realized that I learned more from them the past couple of years than I had in my entire life! They are better friends now... then I can ever remember them being & I know that God can take the worst parts of life & bless those who love Him.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


This is the front page of the album - the paper pieced Santa page.... I hope to have the rest done by next week!

Christmas Album Class in KANSAS CITY

When: December 1, 2007
Time: 10 - 9 (Class starts promptly at 10am)
Where: Nashua Fire Station corner of 111th & N.Oak (North of the River)
Cost: Class w/out Album $65.00
Class with Album $65.00 plus $18.00 for 12x12 Album
DEPOSIT Due by Saturday, Nov. 3rd
Checks can be mailed to: Jessica Kelly 505 NE 103rd St Apt 9C, Kansas City, Mo 64155

Okay so here's the details ladies...

The Album Class is made up with the K and Co. Brenda Walton's Peppermint Twist paper line & embellishments. I am attaching a picture of the first page of the album and some of the product that we will be using. The RETAIL price for the product is approximately $40.00.

It includes the following:

This is all approximate because I am still working on the album yet. So bear with me. :)

15 pieces of Pattern Paper
28 pieces of Cardstock
5 yards of various ribbon, rick rack & fibers
1 Mat Pad
1 Glitter Alphabets
1 Rub On Magic Rubons
1 Package of Chipboard Tags
1 Goodie bag of rhinestones, buttons, clips, brads, eyelets, bells & etc...

We will be completing a whole album 18 to 20 pages. I am so excited about this... this is my first 12 x 12 album that I will have done for just CHRISTMAS. There will be some paper piecing (not a lot & not complicated) but there will also be some quick & easy pages also. The goal of this class is to be a FUN, LOW STRESS, ENJOYABLE & FULL OF BLESSINGS. I hope that you all will come & join in!

PLEASE NOTE: I am asking that a deposit be paid because I am "financing" this myself & because I don't have a full time job. :) The "deposit" will be $25.00 per kit and an extra $10 for each album that you would like. IF you plan on geting this as a "KIT ONLY" I am going to raise the price to $75.00 per kit due to color copies & direction sheets. :( Sorry. If you would like to see the album you can go to and look at her "Peppermint Twist" line to check out the product!

CKC - Kansas City

I came in town for CKC. It was so fun seeing some old friends & getting familiar with all the new stuff once again. (Remember I live almost TWO HOURS from the nearest Hobby Lobby.... THREE HOURS to the nearest LSS)
I love the header.... there's that "Star Layout" with Jill's little girl on it! :)
The booth was constantly packed... I hurried and took a couple of pictures when some people had just left.... I was AMAZED
My sweet nephew Stephen... I love that picture of him. :)
I should be kissing them.... :)
I just loved the way things were all set up and the cute displays... I'm still lovin' the ribbon on spoon idea! Its all about cute packaging isn't it? :)
One of the owners "sisters" from the scrapbook store in Kansas called 2 Scrappy Sisters & then there is Susanne & Ali (I use to teach at the same stores that they did when I lived in KC)
This picture was a little dark, my friend Ali took it of my very talented friend Kara Ward teaching a K&Co class at CKC. I was just hanging out with them... they are wonderful girls to know & I feel blessed to call them friends.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Halloween Treats

This makes a great little gift for a "secret" friend, co worker or just a family member. They are fun to make and doesn't cost much to fill!!

Explosion Box with endless places to put all those Halloween pictures. Perfect as a gift! Tie a pretty bow on top & it is great for anyone!

We will make the "card/photo book" and then add the extra page to make it a complete 2 page layout for a scrapbook.

I hope that you enjoy looking at these. I'm making these for a group of ladies in Sulphur Springs, Texas. So if you are intrested in getting any of these kits just let me know.
Have a great day!!!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Baby Shower.... its came & went :)

Kimberlee & Joseph opening up their presents!

Oh my... this was my HEADACHE... I couldn't get it to hang like I had envisioned so this is how it ended up!
These little birdies were made to hang on the tree and people could write notes for Kimberlee, Joseph or Baby Isabelle.These were our "bird nests" they were just cute sitting out on the 3 tier dessert plate.
These were the favors that we gave as our guest left.

Baby showers... love them but they are alot of work! We had a great time at the shower, lots of friends and it was fun to see everyone and just visit. Kimberlee & Joseph were so suprised to see what all they got and couldn't believe that everyone was so giving. They got most of everything they will need for the "New Isabelle Grace". I hope that they will continued to be greatful & blessed!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Remember me?

This is my cousin, Joseph & his wife, my cousin, friend, walking buddy... Kimberlee. Joseph graduated from Basic Training in New Jersey for the Coast Guard. Kimberlee & Joseph are going to have their first baby in October, its a girl & her name is Isabelle Grace. We are hosting their baby shower on Friday night, then they start packing to move on Saturday and heading for North Carolina. I'm going to miss Kimberlee so much... she's been a great friend to have here in Oklahoma. So I've been & will still be busy working on/ planning this shower... its a little "Shabby Chic". I'll take pictures and show them to you when we get it all set up.

These are 2 of the new layouts on my mom's blog They are simple but I think that they are just easier to put together. Hope you all like them... visit her blog & see what's been going on with her.

I so wish you could see the pictures better & see what a great job my good friend Renee did at taking them. She has a gift that's for sure! She's amazing with Stephen. But these are 2 layouts I did for the pictures on their website are a TON better. So jump on over there so you can get a glimps of my precious nephew Stephen.
I have more to show & tell you but that'll have to wait until another day.... I'm tired! :)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

NEW Layouts & SALE!! What more could you ask for??

Well at my mom's website DKDesigns we just posted NEW layouts & then put some on sale!! (These are just a couple of pages) If you haven't checked them out already you should! I think that page kits are a great thing for several reasons: Easy. Ideas. Quick. Inspiring. the list goes on & on! Thanks for looking!

Friday, July 6, 2007

1. What time did you get up this morning? 8:15am

2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds

3. What are your favorite TV shows? CSI & Missing w/o a Trace

4. What do you usually have for breakfast? that's my biggest meal... I love breakfast!! But today I just had fruit and a bottle of water

6. Do you have any tattoos? yes, 1 a little tribal bear on the top of my foot

7. What food do you dislike? raw meat or almost raw meat!! yuck

8. What is your favorite CD at the moment? Vineyard Christian Music Sampler

9. What type of car do you drive? 05 Ford Escape - Black

10. Favorite sandwich? Yellow Sub - Chicken Parmasan

11. What characteristic do you despise? People who are RUDE

12. Favorite item of clothing? My Camo pants- they are sooo comfy

13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation,where would you go? Europe & just travel around

14. What color is your bathroom? I live in a rent house... it is NOT my style burgandy & green

15. Favorite brand of clothing? Old Navy or Gap

16. Where would you retire? Somewhere close to the ocean or mountains...... near water

17. What was your most recent memorable birthday? Last year. A bunch of my friends got together & we had a party at Vickies.

18. Furthest place you are sending this? I don't know its own my blog

19. Who do you least expect to send this back to you?Not sure.

20. Who do you expect to send it back first? Not sure

21. Favorite saying? Be humble yet confident - From Facing the Giants

22. When is your birthday? 9-11

23. Are you a morning person or a night person? a night owl... but lately i tend to be on a better "Normal" schedule

24. What is your shoe size? 8

25. Pets? A wolf dog... :) Sasha Owv

26. What did you want to be when you were little? a teacher I think mostly
27. How are you today? I'm doing okay... just been emotional lately...empathy mostly not my "Own Stuff"

28. What is your favorite candy? Starburst or Suckers

29. What is your favorite flower? Gerber Daisys or Wildflowers

30. What is a day on the calendar you are lookingforward to? July 14, I am going to be in Kansas City

31. What are you listening to right now? The chainsaw carver in front on my store & windchimes
32. What was the last thing you ate? Fruit

33. Do you wish on stars? yes

34. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Mom

35. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Yes!

36. Favorite soft drink? I'm off the pop now but I LOVE COKE its my FAVORITE thing.

37. Favorite alcoholic drink? I don't drink really, but I like Ameratto Sours & Raspberry Margaritas

38. Favorite restaurant? Chili's or 54th Street

39. Hair color? Brownish/Blackish

40. Siblings? 3 brothers Jonathan 32, Joe Nathan 24 & Jeremiah 18

41. Favorite day of the year? Valentines Day

42. What was your favorite toy as a child? Crayons & Markers I think... I use to love to paint too but I had a lot of Strawberry Shortcake Dolls

43. Summer or winter? Neither, but if I had to pick - Summer but I prefer Fall then Spring

44. Hugs or kisses? Kisses!

45. Chocolate or Vanilla? Neither but if I had to choose it would be Vanilla

46. Do you want your friends to email you back? Why wouldn't I?

47. When was the last time you cried? Yesterday when I was talking to my friends

48. What is under your bed? Nothing.... unless Sasha is hiding from me when she thinks she's in trouble

49. Who is the friend you have had the longest thatyou are sending this to? I'm putting it on my blog so I don't know

50. Favorite smell? Estee Lauder- Youth Dew it reminds me of my Grandma OR men's cologne

51. How many years at your current job? almost a year

52. Favorite day of the week? Sunday. It's the one day I can count on being able to just be with my family and my first day off of the week.

53. How many towns have you lived in? 4 including college

54. Do you make friends easily? Sometimes

Thursday, July 5, 2007

July- Scrappy Gourmet

Have you girls heard... that I have a featured item on the Scrappy Gourmet. Just in case you all didn't know about the here's the link. Each month the have a new layout with an altered item... well this month is a little 4th of Julyish or it can just be a celebrate a moment! Hope you all enjoy checking in out! The ladies from the Scrappy Gourmet were fabulous... they helped me out a bunch on this one! They are the sweetest!!! :)

Saturday, June 30, 2007


I have a lot to be grateful for such as:

*a loving family (including my EXCELLENT extended family)

*a store & a job

*a roof over my head

*a beautiful little dog that likes to see me when I get home,

*CREATIVE friends that encourage me

*unconditional friends who accept me even when I'm moody

*a nice little Escape that runs awesome now... :)

*enough $$ (most days)

*a country that allows me to make choices & gives me a safe & free place to live

*and last but definantly not least a God that I know has never given up on me & has a wonderful plan. He created me to have gifts I know, and I'm thankful and continue to ask him to show me what all I'm suppose to do with them.

I'm reading another book, my wonderful & thoughtful cousin Sarah bought it for me. She knew that I have wanted this book for awhile now, Calm My Anxious Heart By: Linda Dillow So I'm trying to remember to not worry & be content with my life. We may not always get EXACTLY what we think we want but through it all, I have a lot!

Monday, June 25, 2007

New layouts....

Well I have a couple of layouts that I am working on for my mom's blogsite. But I haven't gotten them done yet.... of course! They are laying on my floor as we speak & they have been there for almost a week. I guess I'm just hoping that I'll walk in and the scrapbook fairy will have completed them while I was out. mmmm.... I shouldn't hold my breath. Well I hope that you will take a look at what Mom has been up too. She did have the cutest little dog to scrapbook! :)

Saturday, June 23, 2007

did you think that I forgot about you all??

Well I haven't been blogging lately because I've been kinda busy. I did a couple of things for K&Co but I didn't take a picture of them with my digital camera so I can't show you them. I also taught my class for the ladies from Texas earlier this week & so I was regrouping from that. They were so AWESOME what sweet sweet ladies they are. Then my uncle's dad passed away, so I went to that funeral. I've been sick--food poisoning-- yuck! Last but not least I accomplished one of my New Year's Resolution-- I read a BOOK! I haven't read in forever and I really hated the fact that I didn't ever take time to read-- but I fixed that problem & now I'm about to start another book. Hope your summer is going well for you & hope that I will get to see you soon!

Friday, June 15, 2007

new layout...

This isn't a good scan at all but you get the idea... I drew the butterflies and then paperpieced them together. I love the little poem ... I thought it was very cute. I hope you like and if you want to see it better go to and you can read the poem too.

Thanks for looking!

Girls... are you ready for class???

** The picture isn't great but you get the idea...

Here is the add'l add on project that will be avail. for $7.50. It is using some of your leftover paper and embellishments. I have packaged up the extra things your will need with your frame & I will provide the Mod Podge & brushes. I think you'll have fun making this too!

Friday, June 1, 2007

working my fingers to the bone.... not really <>{:o)

I added these 3 layouts to Mom's blog today ... I am going to Kansas City on Sunday & coming back to Oklahoma on Tuesday. I have to go package with mom and she's going to help me package my class for my Texas gals here in a couple of weeks. I used some of the new K&Co Happy Trails paper. I have (2) more layouts that I finished last night that I'm hoping will get scanned & packaged soon. Well gotta run & get some layouts for the Scrappy Gourmet done. Hope that you all will have a great weekend to come!