Thursday, May 31, 2007

Fun little thing here...

1. My ex is still: my ex, but my friend

2. I am listening to:Fountain in the pond, Corinthian Bells (windchimes at my store) & Go Karts all at the same time

3. Maybe I should: get off the computer and get some work done at my store

4. I love: my family & friends.... and of course my Sasha

5. My bestfriends: are there when I need them, not out of mind because they are out of sight, creative, inspiring & fun

6. I don't understand: what God's plan is for me

7. I lost respect for: people who can't let go of the past and forgive & are dishonest

8. I last ate: grapefruit & an egg for breakfast

9. The meaning of my name is: Jessica means "wealthy" hahaha but Jessica LeAnn - after King "Jesse" in the Bible & My Grandma Kelly Ester Ann, my aunt Rebecca Lea & my uncle LeRoy and mom Diane she says

10. Someday: I will "get it" the meaning of my life

11. I will always: be a little to sensitive, stubborn, hopeless romantic (secretly of course) and ALWAYS be greatful for th opportunities that have been given to me

12. Love seems to: a wonderful thing... I love being "in love"

13. I Never want to lose: my joy

14. My Life is: simple but confusing (at the same time) hahaha

15. I woke up this morning: to my Sasha barking & my phone ringing... aghhhh!

16. I get annoyed @: rude people

17. Parties: love them!! with friends & family, laughing, smiling and just having fun!

18. My dog: is getting big... and prettier.

19. Kisses: are best when they are "breathtaking"

20. Today I: sitting at my store... like every other day... wishing I was out and about doing something else.

21. I wish: I could get my hair cut, colored & my eyebrows waxed from my Sarah... she always makes me feel like a million bucks

22. I really want: my hair cut & eyebrows waxed

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