Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Rain, Rain Go Away....

Oh its rainy & dreary today. I have jeans & a sweatshirt on ... but flip flops too! hahaha I can't figure out what season it is, my toes are freezing though! I think sitting on my porch, drinking coffee and surfing the internet might have to turn into an "inside" activity here pretty soon.
I can't believe that its almost June did you know that I have been here for HALF of a year!!! Crazy. It feels just like yesterday that I was visiting with all my friends, running around from job to job, moving into my apartment, where did the time go? I still miss everyone and still feel in limbo. Will it Oklahoma ever feel like home? I believe more and more the phrase "Home is where your heart is", I still feel like my heart is in Kansas City and I'm just a visitor here in Oklahoma. I am grateful for the opportunities in my life, I believe that God does have a plan for all of this. I just ask for patience and some understanding each day. I love it don't get me wrong... but like I said it feels like I'm just visiting.

Well Mom came down & we scrapbooked... or should I say I scrapbooked and she encouraged me. She helped cut & package the pages I was working on. I just think... we're a good team. I try to get her to do something of her own but she doesn't- I think she just knows that I need help! Hahaha But its funny because when she leaves I'm still very motivated to scrapbook & create, so she just needs to come visit every couple of weeks!

Here is ONE of the layouts that I worked on this past weekend... titled "Thou ART wonderful" I did a couple of others titled Sand & Sun, The Great Outdoors, Butterflies in the Wind & School

I hope that you have a blessed day... and find joy in the little things!


Anonymous said...

You know Jessica we would all love for you to move back to Kansas City! I miss my late night scrapping buddy. But I understand needing to be where you feel like you need to be. Doesn't mean we don't miss you any less though.

I LOVE your Art Page Packet! I can't wait to get one! I can just see pics of Miss Erica at her easel or outside with sidewalk chalk/paint...

Kara Ward said...

Lovin' it! Kara

Anonymous said...

I hope OK becomes "home" for you soon. hang in there girl.